Burkina Faso
The Republic of Burkina Faso is a landlocked country sharing its borders with six nations, namely Mali to the north and west, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin to the south, and Niger to the east. Burkina Faso lies to the south of the Sahara Desert.
- Capital: Ouagadougou
- Currency: CFA Franc
- Population: 17,322,796
- Area: 274 200 km²
- GDP $ : 35.598 billion
- Internet domain: .bf
- Languages: French (official language)
- Exports: Machinery and food products; capital goods; petroleum
- Imports: Cotton; gold; livestock and livestock products (including hides and skins)
Trade mark protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Patent protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Design protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Provision is made for copyright protection in OAPI member countries in terms of the Bangui Agreement.