Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
The Republic of the Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) is situated in West Africa. It is bordered in the south by the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean), to the north by Mali and Burkina Faso, to the east by Ghana, and to the west by Guinea and Liberia. The government officially prefers the French name Côte d’Ivoire.
- Capital: Abidjan
- Currency: CFA Franc
- Population: 23,740,424
- Area: 322 463 km²
- GDP $ : $ 95.887 billion (2017)
- Internet domain: .ci
- Languages: French (official language)
- Exports: Food; capital goods; consumer goods; fuel; transport equipment
- Imports: Cocoa; coffee; timber; petroleum; cotton; tropical fruit; palm oil; fish
Trade mark protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Patent protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office
Design protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Provision is made for copyright protection in OAPI member countries in terms of the Bangui Agreement. In Ivory Coast, a further copyright law was enacted – Law no 96-564 of 1996 on the Protection of Intellectual Works and the Rights of Authors, Performers, and Phonogram and Videogram Producers