The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has recently released its 2021 List of Data Complaint Companies pursuant to the provisions of the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR).
The list of compliant companies can be found here.
We are pleased to announce that ALL our clients who engaged us for the 2021 compliance assessment were published on the list.
Glad Tidings for Compliant Companies:
NITDA has developed a NITDA Certified Compliant Mark for the identified companies to place on their websites, media handles, et cetera. This mark of quality will project the companies’ compliance and boost the brand image of the company. It is highly probable that the public/investors may look out for this mark before dealing with an organisation.
2022 Next Steps:
The compliance assessment is an annual obligation, with a statutory deadline of March every year. Thus, organisations are now due for assessment and reporting on their data protection practices. It must be borne in mind that NITDA has mechanisms in place to police non-compliant companies and met out sanctions where necessary.
JEE Solution:
As a licensed DPCO and trained DPO, we will continue to help organisations, and other entities scrutinise their data collation processes, usage, storage, and protection. We always ensure that ALL our data audit clients are included in the Regulator’s compliance list. We have, for the past 25 years, before the advent of the GDPR and NDPR, offered data-privacy services to clients. We are committed to ensuring that your company’s business needs for data and its business model are actualised whilst achieving optimal data protection compliant status.
Our team is comprised of skilled professionals who are prepared to provide your company with a seamless data compliance service. We have conducted audits for several companies and multinationals in a variety of sectors over the past years. We have also provided remediation services. In 2022, we hope to leverage on our expertise to assist your business in complying with relevant data protection requirements in the NDPR and the EU GDPR.
NB: for further enquiry kindly email dataprotection@jee.africa