Senegal is an independent republic in West Africa, bounded on the north by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, on the east by Mali, on the south by the Republic of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Senegal surrounds The Gambia on the land side.
- Capital: Dakar
- Currency: CFA Franc
- Population: 15,411,614
- Area: 196,712 km²
- GDP $ : $43.326 billion (2017)
- Internet domain: .sn
- Languages: French (official language)
- Exports: Food and beverages; capital goods; fuels
- Imports: Fresh and processed fish; fuels; groundnuts and related products; phosphates; cotton
Trade mark protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Patent protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Design protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.
Provision is made for copyright protection in OAPI member countries in terms of the Bangui Agreement. In Senegal new legislation on copyright was enacted – Law no 2008-09 of 2008 on Copyright and Related Rights.