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The Republic of Niger is completely landlocked and is bordered by Algeria and Libya to the north, Chad to the east, Nigeria and Benin to the south, and Burkina Faso and Mali to the west.

  • Capital: Niamey
  • Currency: CFA Franc
  • Population: 20,672,987
  • Area: 1 267 000 km²
  • GDP $ : $7.674 billion (2016)
  • Internet domain: .ne
  • Languages: French (official language)
  • Exports: Materials; machinery; vehicles and parts; petroleum; cereals; foodstuffs
  • Imports: Uranium ore; livestock products; cowpeas; onions

Trade mark protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.


Patent protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.


Design protection is obtainable only in terms of the Bangui Agreement by way of a filing with the OAPI IP office.


Provision is made for copyright protection in OAPI member countries in terms of the Bangui Agreement. However, further provision was made for copyright protection by way of an executive decree – Decree no 93-027 on Copyright, Neighbouring Rights and Folklore.