JEE Practice Details
The Gambia is a member of the Paris Convention and the WTO/TRIPS.
Provision is made for the registration of marks for goods (trade marks) and for services (service marks), as well as for collective marks. The Act also provides for the protection of trade names.
The Gambia is a member of the Paris Convention, the PCT, ARIPO (Harare Protocol) and the WTO/TRIPS.
Patent protection is available via a national filing or via an ARIPO application designating The Gambia. The Gambia has implemented the Harare Protocol (which regulates patent and design filings in ARIPO) in its national law, thereby giving valid patent protection to applicants seeking to obtain a patent via an ARIPO application.
Although it is possible to file PCT national phase applications in The Gambia, the law has not been amended to provide for the PCT. Accordingly, it is not clear whether enforceable rights will be obtained via PCT national phase filings in The Gambia. However, it might be arguable that protection obtained via PCT national filing in The Gambia is valid, since the Act states that the provisions of any international treaties in respect of industrial property to which The Gambia is a party shall apply, and, in case of conflict with any provisions of the Act, shall prevail over the latter.
The Gambia is a member of the Paris Convention, ARIPO (Harare Protocol) and the WTO/TRIPS.
Design protection is available by way of a national filing or via an ARIPO application designating The Gambia. The Gambia has implemented the Harare Protocol (which regulates patent and design filings in ARIPO) in its national law, thereby giving valid design protection to applicants seeking to obtain a design registration via ARIPO.
The Gambia is a member of the Berne Convention and the WTO/TRIPS.
The Act provides for the following works to be eligible for copyright protection:
literary works
musical works
artistic works
audiovisual works
sound recordings
programme-carrying signals
derivative works.
Literary works are further defined to include:
novels, stories, poetic works, letters, reports, memoranda
plays, stage directions, film scenarios, broadcasting scripts
textbooks, treatises, essays, articles, encyclopaedias, dictionaries
lectures, addresses and sermons
charts, tables and compilations of data
law reports, excluding court decisions
computer programs.
Artistic works are further defined to include:
paintings, drawings, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, engravings, prints
maps, plans, diagrams
works of sculpture, works of architecture
photographs, works of applied art and handicraft.
Derivative works include:
translations, adaptations, transformations
collections of works, collections of folklore.