JEE Practice Details
Mozambique is a party to the Paris Convention and Madrid Agreement
Mozambique is a member of the Paris Convention, the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol, the Nice Agreement on Classification of Marks and the WTO/TRIPS.
Provision is made for the registration of product and service marks, as well as for collective and certification marks. Trade mark applications may be filed as national applications, claiming convention priority in terms of the Paris Convention when appropriate; or Mozambique may be designated in international applications filed in terms of the Madrid Agreement.
Types of trademarks registrable
Trademarks and service marks are registrable. Also color marks can be registered.
Documents required for trademark registration
Power of Attorney (simply signed and notarized)
Additional necessary documents such as; representation of the mark, specification of products & services
Valid for 10 years from the registration or filling date
Documents required for renewals
Original copy of Power of Attorney simply signed
Documents required for Assignment Application
Assignment Agreement (Notarized)
Power Of Attorney of assignee (Notarized)
Documents required for License Applications
Assignment Agreement (simply signed)
Power of Attorney of Licensee (Notarized)
Documents required for recordation of name/address change
Documents of Proof (Notarized)
Power of Attorney (Notarized)
Mozambique is a member of the Paris Convention, ARIPO (Harare Protocol), the PCT and the WTO/TRIPS.
Patent protection is available via a national filing or an ARIPO or a PCT application designating Mozambique. Mozambique has implemented both the PCT and the Harare Protocol (which regulates patent and design filings in ARIPO) in its national laws, thereby giving enforceable rights to patents obtained via ARIPO and the PCT.
Foreign applicants must be represented by an accredited local agent.
Filing Requirements
NON-PCT Applications
Power Of Attorney duly signed and notarized
Applicant’s name
Title of the invention;
Inventors’ name
Assignment of the invention
Description of the invention with the translation thereof
Claims with the translation thereof
Priority document
Payment of the 1st and 2nd annuity is made at the filing of the application
National Phase PCT Application
Power Of Attorney duly signed and notarized
Applicant’s name
Title of the invention
Inventors’ name
Assignment of the invention
Description of the invention with the translation thereof
Claims with the translation thereof
Copy of the International Search Report
Copy of the International Preliminary Examination Report
Priority document
Payment of the 1st and 2nd annuity is made at the filing of the application
Recordal of Assignment/License
Assignment/license Agreement(signed and notarized)
Power Of Attorney(signed and notarized)
Recordal of Change of Name/Address
Assignment/license Agreement(signed and notarized)
Power Of Attorney(signed and notarized)
Mozambique is a member of the Paris Convention, ARIPO (Harare Protocol) and the WTO/TRIPS.
Design protection is available by a national filing or via an ARIPO application designating Mozambique. Mozambique has implemented the Harare Protocol (which regulates patent and design filings in ARIPO) in its national laws, thereby giving effective protection to ARIPO designs in Mozambique.
Documents required for design application
POA duly signed and notarized;
Applicant’s name;
Title of the design;
Inventors’ name;
Assignment of the design/ declaration;
Drawings of the design.
Recordal of assignment/ license
Assignment/license document/contract duly signed and notarized;
POA duly signed and notarized
Recordal of change of name/address
Assignment/license document/contract duly signed and notarized;
POA duly signed and notarized
Mozambique is not a member of the Berne Convention; it is a member of WTO/TRIPS.
The law provides for copyright in respect of literary, artistic and scientific works, that are original intellectual creations in the literary, artistic and scientific fields, including:
written works, including computer programs
lectures, addresses, sermons and other works consisting of words expressed orally
musical works
dramatic and dramatico-musical works
choreographic works, mimed works
audiovisual works
works of fine art, including painting, drawing, sculpture, engravings, lithographs
works of architecture
photographic works
works of applied art or craft
illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, three-dimensional works relating to geography, topography, architecture
expressions of folklore.
The Decree also applies to derived works which constitute intellectual creations, namely
compilations of works
translations, adaptations, arrangements of works.
Excluded from protection are:
daily news and accounts of events purely for information
official texts of a legislative, administrative or judicial nature
simple facts and data
ideas, processes, operational methods, mathematical concepts.