JEE Practice Details
RWANDA is a member of the Paris Convention.
Rwanda is a member of the Paris Convention and the WTO/TRIPS. Rwanda has not acceded to the Banjul Protocol of ARIPO.
Provision is made for the registration of trade marks for goods and services, for collective marks and for certification marks. Provision is also made for the protection of geographical indications and trade names
Types of trademark registrable
Goods and services are registrable. Multi class applications are acceptable. There are no provisions for the registration of COLLECTIVE MARKS, DEFENSIVE MARKS or SERIES MARKS.
International and regional arrangements
RWANDA is a member of the Paris Convention.
Documents required for trademark registration
Power of Attorney (notarized)
Prints of the mark
Priority document (if applicable), with verified French or English translation
Details of the applicant
Certified copies of a foreign application if convention priority is to be claimed
Registration is valid for an initial period 10 years and renewable every 10 years
Documents required for renewals
Power of Attorney (simply signed)
Certificate of trademark registration
Documents required for assignment applications
Assignment Agreement (notarized)
Power of Attorney of assignor (simply signed)
Power of Attorney of assignee (simply signed)
Additional necessary documents
Documents required for license applications
License Agreement (notarized)
Power of Attorney of licensor (simply signed)
Power of Attorney of licensee (simply signed)
Documents required for recordation of name/address change
Documents of proof (simply signed)
Power of Attorney (simply signed)
Rwanda is a member of the Paris Convention, the PCT, ARIPO (Harare Protocol), and the WTO/TRIPS.
Patent protection is available via a national filing or via an ARIPO application designating Rwanda. Rwanda has not yet implemented the Harare Protocol (which regulates patent and design filings in ARIPO) and the provisions of PCT in its national laws. However, it appears that valid patent protection could be obtainable by filing via ARIPO or PCT, based on a specific provision of the Intellectual Property Law, which states that the provisions of any international intellectual property treaty of which Rwanda is a party, shall apply. Furthermore, in case of conflict with the provisions of this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail.
Documents required for Non-PCT Patent Registration
An application letter requesting for the grant of a patent
An application form
A description of the invention
All particulars of the applicant and those of the inventor
Power of Attorney (when application is done by an agent “delegation” for foreign company not registered in Rwanda)
An abstract of the invention with their prospective claims
A copy of the company registration certificate
I.D or Passport of the company representative
Documents required for PCT Patent Registration
A copy of the communication received by the applicant concerning results of any search or examination carried out in respect of a foreign application
A certified or ordinary copy of the patent or title of protection granted on the basis of the foreign application
A copy of a final decision rejecting the foreign application and/ or refusing the grant required in the foreign application
A copy of the final decision validating the patent granted on the basis of the foreign application.
Rwanda is a member of the Paris Convention, ARIPO (Harare Protocol), the Hague Agreement on Designs, and the WTO/TRIPS.
Design protection is available by a national filing. Since Rwanda is a member of ARIPO (Harare Protocol) and the Hague Agreement it is expected that design protection could also be obtained by designation in ARIPO applications and international applications under the Hague. However, Rwanda has not yet implemented these treaties in its nationals laws, so that the position is uncertain. It appears that valid protection could possibly be obtained on the basis of a specific provision in the 2009 Law to the effect that the provisions of any international treaty of which Rwanda is a party, shall apply in Rwanda and shall prevail over the law in Rwanda.
Since Rwanda is a member of the Paris Convention, priority may be claimed on the basis of an earlier application.
Documents Required
Application letter to Registrar General
Application form
Specimen of the Industrial Design (4 copies)
Abstract of the Industrial Design with their claims
Power of Attorney (if application is done by an agent delegation for company not registered in Rwanda)
A copy of the company’s registration certificate (if necessary)
I.D or passport of the company’s representative
Documents Required
Application letter to Registrar General
Application form
Description of the utility model
Abstract of the utility model with their claims
Power of Attorney (if application is done by an agent delegation for company not registered in Rwanda)
A copy of the company’s registration certificate (if necessary)
I.D or Passport of the company’s representative
Rwanda is a member of the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention, and the WTO/TRIPS.
The law provides for copyright in respect of literary and artistic works that are original intellectual creations, including:
works expressed by writing, eg books, pamphlets and computer programs
conferences, speeches, lectures, addresses, sermons and other oral works
musical works
dramatic and dramatico-musical works
choreographic works, pantomimes
audiovisual works
works of fine art, eg painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, lithography, tapestry
works of architecture
photographic works
works of applied art or craft, eg handicraft, industrial designs
illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, three-dimensional works relating to geography, topography, architecture
works derived from Rwanda folklore.
The following shall also be protected:
translations, adaptations, arrangements of works
collections of works, expressions of folklore, or of facts or data.
Excluded from protection are:
official texts of a legislative, administrative or judicial nature
daily news
ideas, procedures, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles.