JEE Practice Details
Morocco is a member of the Paris Convention, the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol, and the WTO/TRIPS. Morocco is also a member of the Nice Agreement.
Provision is made for the registration of trade marks for goods and for services, as well as for collective and certification marks.
Trade mark applications may be filed as national applications, claiming convention priority in terms of the Paris Convention when appropriate; or Morocco may be designated in international applications filed in terms of the Madrid Agreement or Protocol.
Types of trademarks registrable
Trademarks, service marks are registrable. Also color marks can be registered. A multi-class application is available.
International and regional arrangements
Morocco is a party to the Paris Convention
Documents required for trademark registration
Power of Attorney (Simply Signed)
Valid for 10 years from the filing or registration date..
Documents required for renewal
Original copy of a Power of Attorney (Simply Signed)Documents required for Assignment Applications
Assignment Agreement (Notarized and Legalized)
Power of Attorney of assignor (Simply Signed); or
Power of Attorney of assignee (Simply Signed)
Documents required for License Applications
License Agreement (Notarized and Legalized)
Power of Attorney of Licensor (Simply signed); or
Power of attorney of Licensee (simply signed)
Documents required for recordation of name/address change
Document of proof (Notarized and legalized)
Power of Attorney (simply signed)
Morocco is a member of the Paris Convention, the Budapest Treaty, the PCT and the WTO/TRIPS.
Patent protection is obtainable by way of a national application and convention priority may be claimed in appropriate circumstances, or by way of a national phase application under the PCT. Patents of addition may be obtained for improvements or amendments to the principal patent.
The Law in Morocco has not yet been amended to incorporate rules regarding the PCT system. However, PCT applications are being accepted and processed by the patent office.
Filing Requirements
NON-PCT Applications
A power of Attorney (simply signed)
Full details of the applicant & inventor(s)
Priority details/ priority document
Arabic or French Specifications & Claims
Drawings (if there are any)
National Phase PCT Application
A power of Attorney (simply signed)
Full details of the applicant & inventor(s)
Priority details/ priority document
Arabic or French Specifications & Claims
Drawings (if there are any)
Documents Required for Assignment Applications
Original Assignment Agreement signed by both the licensor and the Licensee ( notarized)
Original Power of Attorney simply signed by the assignee or assignor
Documents required for License Applications
Original License Agreement signed by both the licensor and the licensee ( notarized)
Original Power of Attorney simply signed by the Licensee or Licensor
Documents required for recordation of name/address change
Original name change document or a certified copy of the Corporate Change of Name Document (Legalized and Notarized)
The Power of Attorney simply signed by the new owner
Morocco is a member of the Paris Convention, the Hague Agreement and WTO/TRIPS.
Design protection can be obtained via national filing in Morocco. Design protection can also be obtained by way of an international registration in terms of the Hague Agreement, designating Morocco.
Documents required for application
A simply signed power of attorney for each application. No notarization or legalization is required for the same.
The name, address and nationality of the applicant and the nature of its business.
Three of each representation of the design.
The priority document in case of claiming priority. Priority can be claimed within six months as of the filing date of the first registration of the same.
If a principal does not have a domicile or headquarters in Morocco or do not have an industrial or commercial establishment in Morocco, the applicant is required to appoint an agent to act on his behalf.
Recordal of assignment/license
The original license agreement signed by both the licensor and the licensee, showing the registration details of the licensed design and the same must be legalized up to the Moroccan Consulate or notarized.
An original power of attorney simply signed by the assignee or assignor
Recordal of change of name/address
The original name change document or a certified copy of the Corporate Change of Name Document.
The above mentioned must be legalized up to the Moroccan Consulate or Notarized.
The Power of Attorney simply signed by the new owner.
Morocco is a member of the Berne Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, and the WTO/TRIPS.
The Law provides that all authors shall enjoy copyright in relation to their literary or artistic works, including the following:
works expressed in writing
computer programs
lectures, addresses, sermons and other works consisting of words or expressed orally
musical works, irrespective of whether they contain accompanying texts
dramatic and dramatico-musical works
choreographic works and mimed works
audiovisual works including cinematographic works and videograms
works of fine art, including drawings, paintings, engravings, lithographs, printing on leather and all other works of fine art
works of architecture
photographic works
works of applied art
illustrations, maps, plans, sketches and three-dimensional works relating to geography, topography, architecture or science
expressions of folklore and works inspired by folklore
drawings of garment industry designs.
Protection shall be independent of the mode or form of expression, quality and aim of the work.
The following shall also be protected as works:
derivative works and collections
ancient manuscripts.